Centennial of the End of WWI

“The War to End All Wars”

November 11, 2018

Featured Speaker

Rev. Larry Hall

Lead By

Rev. Larry Hall

About Our Celebration

This brutal conflict did not end war: far from it. It just made it deadlier than ever. It was the first to utilize aerial bombing, submarines, tanks, machine guns, poison gas, flame throwers and TNT. It killed more efficiently than any previous war, but the belligerents continued to hurl men into the meat-grinder and the families left behind into despair. We will memorialize its victims and pray for healing of the wounds that it and subsequent wars have left upon the psyche of the human family.

Rev. Larry is the current Celebration Coordinator for Pebble Hill Church. As one of the longest serving members of Pebble, and an ordained minister, Rev. Larry has a great deal of wisdom and insight to share with our community.

Join us for Sunday Celebration @ 10:30AM