“From Bystander to Upstander: Working for Racial Justice in 2019”
March 17, 2019
Featured Speaker
Sarah Halley
Lead By
Rev. Deva Troy
About Our Celebration
In this 40-minute session, participants will get a chance to explore what they can do to support racial healing and justice. Sharing stories of both successes and challenges, we will open eyes and hearts to what is possible and hopefully inspire greater courage for stepping up and speaking out.
Sarah Halley PCC is an organizational development consultant and experiential educator with 18 years’ experience, working primarily on team building, leadership development, inclusive strategic planning, and diversity/cultural competence. She is the lead facilitator for a series of workshops for White People Confronting Racism hosted by Training for Change, a grass roots, nonprofit training center in Philadelphia dedicated to global social change.
She is a co-founder The Race Institute for K12 Educators and works with educators throughout the Philadelphia area to build their racial competence. Sarah is also the founder and co-director of Playback for Change, a multiracial improvisational theater troupe that uses playback theater as a vehicle for social change, and a leader and trainer in the international Playback Theater movement.
Her resume includes Certified Presence-Based® Coach; Senior Faculty, Presence-Based Coaching; Consultant, Bracken Leadership; and Artistic Director, Playback for Change.