The Personal and Planetary Future That We Have Been Waiting For is Now

November 3, 2019

Featured Speaker

Yanni Maniates

Lead By

The Celebration Team

About Our Celebration

We are all being called to re-member who we are; and to forget who we weren’t. We live at the cusp of an enormous personal and planetary evolutionary leap forward. We can no longer be who we have been nor can we continue to do what we have done both personally and planetarily.

Yanni will share with you both a vision of what is happening worldwide as well as information about the tangible, significant movements and organizations that are emerging on the planetary level to bring about this evolutionary new paradigm. In addition, he will share inner technologies that are available for us now personally to use to evolve into the Divine Humans we were always meant to be.

Join us for Sunday Celebration @ 10:30AM