Candle of Love: How to Support Loved Ones with Cancer

December 8th, 2019

Featured Speaker

Rev. Mike Wanner

Lead By

The Celebration Team

About Our Celebration

Rev. Mike says a cancer diagnosis delivers an alarming message about a change in progress.  The disturbing news may trigger fear, anxiety, and depression or resistance as many people fight back by recreating their lifestyle and their life. Rev. Mike saw the struggles firsthand when he was quite young and felt useless, but now has many ideas to share about supporting loved ones. He will share his insights with us and in free Kindle book giveaways so all can have them.  A prolific writer, he has two new books about cancer.  Read more about him below or at

Find more on the Amazon Author Page: “Reverend Mike Wanner” – Books on: Veterans, PTSD, Reiki, Healing, Angels, Children’s Healing Power, Emergency Medical Kindness, Cancer, Addictions, and Prisons.

Rev. Mike Wanner started his Metaphysical and Ministerial studies with Reiki in 1993 and had studied seven styles of Reiki in the U.S., Japan, Canada, Denmark and Australia. He is certified to teach. He became certified to teach Integrated Energy Therapy in 1999 and co-taught the first IET class of the new Millennium. Mike began dowsing in 2001.  Ordained as a Metaphysical Minister of the International Metaphysical Ministry and an Interfaith Minister of the Circle of Miracles Ministry, Rev. Mike practices and teaches spiritual energy therapies in the Philadelphia Area.

Rev. Mike holds ministerial degrees from the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona. He is a Pastoral Care Associate of Aria – Frankford Hospital. He taught at the National Academy of Massage Therapy and Health Sciences.  Rev. Mike was a faculty member of the Medical Mission Sister’s Center for Human Integration’s School of Integrated Body/Mind Therapies in Fox Chase, Philadelphia, PA for twelve years.

Rev. Mike is licensed by the teaching of Intuitional Metaphysics to practice Spiritual Healing and Scientific Prayer. Mike is also a Prayer therapist.  Rev. Mike was elected in 2007 to the status of “Fellow of the American Institute of Stress.”  In 2008, Rev. Mike became a practitioner of Coincidental Recognition as he incorporated the CoRe System into his spiritual healing practice.

In 2009, Rev. Mike trademarked a new healing process called Quantum Quatro! Subtle Energy System Support®.  In 2011, Rev. Mike joined the outreach program known as the Health Advantage Group.  In 2012, Rev. Mike became a Certified Professional Coach by The Master Coaching Academy and Joined the Personal Empowerment Group.