Dear Ones,

As we head into the upcoming weeks of area-wide closures and staying home, let’s share options for remaining connected in mind and spirit. I love how Pebble reframes this time as ‘physical distancing, not social distancing.’

Airmid Wellness (in Warminster) offers free live-streamed classes to everyone, including yoga, meditation, empowerment, trauma release and more.

Free Online Classes

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Bucks County conducts its support groups online this month:

NAMI Support Moves Online in Bucks County, PA

And for the Buddhist-leaning, check out the dharma talk by Matthew Brensilver on Monday March 10th at Spirit Rock Meditation Center (northern California). It starts with a 45-minute meditation, and about an hour in he discusses what our minds do with anxiety in times of uncertainty, why staying present and grounded helps so much, and lots more.

Sending cyber-hugs, health, courage and love to everyone!

Barbara Atkinson,