Why not join us? I find it a safe way to ease back into community after all these months of isolation. The garden is designed for safe distancing, we wear masks, and are immunized. The 2021 season will be our second Pandemic garden. Text Gretchen at 215-990-9542, or Text Michael at 215-416-5985 to find out when we will be in the garden.

Thanks to Michael Sturgeon’s stewardship the Garden was up and growing throughout that crazy year that was 2020. Andy, and Michael, and Gretchen are back in the garden again this year.

If you are someone who likes to get their hands dirty, there is nothing like the enjoyment of gardening or the incredible joy of raising food for those who need it. Plus watching the seasons move through our beautiful Pebble grounds. From spring’s: Forsythia, Cherry, Lilac, Dogwood, and Mulberry. To summer’s Wine Berry, and striped Hosta, to fall’s red Flame bushes, and yellow Tulip.

Pebble Hill Community Garden began as a CSA in 2011. In 2014 we were inspired by Del Val’s Hope of the Harvest Garden and our Garden became a local initiative for our community to combat hunger. To this end we joined with many churches, farms, and businesses in the Upper Bucks area. Our donation during the summer and fall seasons is over 1000 lbs. of fresh organic food to our local food banks and soup kitchens.