As my Pebble Hill and Camp friends know, these days my focus is on the art of rhetoric, history, and heroes. My third novel, portrays a very special hero, Michael Altabef. My Kickstarter Campaign for Sherlock Holmes: THE KEYS OF DEATH is live NOW! Since my books are published in London, this campaign allows my American friends to ditch the postal costs. And my Bucks County friends to have my latest book signed in person.

The story takes us back to 1880, and the very beginning of one of the greatest friendships in literature. Holmes and Watson are young men who have just met, and moving into Mrs. Hudson’s Georgian home in Baker Street to share the rent. In the voice of Mrs. Hudson, I tell my and Michael’s story in the form of a murder mystery.

Funny, I was supposed to be writing a different novel this year, but as you know, when your intuition is open, inspiration appears. And this story wanted to be told.