Dear Ones,
Arrows is holding a First Peoples Festival on June 11th from noon to 4 pm. And it will be on the Pebble Hill grounds! Please see the information below and mark your calendar to come participate, enjoy, learn and share about Native culture and history.
If you would like to help with the Festival, we have volunteer opportunities now and on the day of the event. Contact Barbara Atkinson at for more information.
Wanishi (thank you)!
                                     Saturday, June 11, 2022
                                  Noon to 4 pm, Rain or Shine
                                   FIRST PEOPLES FESTIVAL
                 Sponsored by Arrows 501(c)(3)
                                   Arrows 4 American Indians
        Opening Remarks by Chief Gentlemoon Chuck DeMund
     Music by BROTHER SUN BAND (formerly Jim Beer Family Band)
          Host Drum: Itchy Dog Singers
                     Crafts and activities for children
               Native American storytellers and presenters
Friendship Dance
Collection of new Socks and Shoes for the Lakota
                       Donations gratefully accepted
                                Refreshments available
                      Location: Pebble Hill Church
                             320 Edison-Furlong Road
                               Doylestown, PA 18901
    For more information, contact us at Arrows4AmericanIndians@gmail.comÂ