Dear Ones,

Momentum is building for the First Peoples Festival, on the beautiful grounds of Pebble Hill. Be sure to put this cultural, educational, family-friendly event on your calendar! We welcome volunteers; please contact And you may share the flyer from our Facebook page:

Wanishi (thank you in the Lenape language),

Barbara Atkinson


May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'irst Peoples F estival Saturday June 11th 12 noon to 4:00 pm Rain or Shine Sponsored by Arrows American Indians (Arrows) 501 (c)(3) Opening remarks by Chief Gentlemoon Chuck DeMund Music by Brother Sun Band (formerly Jim Beer amily Band) Host Drum: Itchy Dog Singers Friendship Dance Vendors Raffle Refreshments available Crafts and Actívíties for Children Native American storytellers & presenters Collection of new socks & shoes for _akota Donations gratefully accepted ocation: Pebble Hill Church 320 Edison-F urlong Road Doylestown, PA 18901 information:'