Dear Ones,

Joel Metzger is looking for rides to physical therapy within Doylestown during the month of June. Thanks to those who signed up so far. I circulated a clipboard during Celebration, but it didn’t get all the way around. So there are more opportunities on the dates below. You may contact Joel directly, or email me at

Please see for the details and Joel’s email.

Thank you, Barbara Atkinson


***Wed May 31st 11 am

Tuesday, June 6, 12:00 noon

Friday, June 9, 10:00

Tuesday, June 13, 12:00

Thursday,  June 15, 10:00

Friday, June 16, 10:00

Tuesday, June 20, 12:00

Wednesday,  June 21, 10:00

Friday, June 23, 1:00

Tuesday, June 27, 12:00

Wednesday,  June 28, 10:00

Friday, June 30, 11:00

Please see for the details.