Pebble Hill Church is a community of very loving and welcoming people, some of whom have known each other for decades,  and some who have come more recently.  Today we’ll share about our spiritual journey:  Was there a “religion of our youth”?  Where are we in our life today?   How did I make my way to Pebble Hill and what was I hoping to find there? 


Rev. Rosalind will lead our conversation and encourage everyone to share a little bit about themselves, as each is comfortable.

Rev. Nancy Heschwill guide us in a healing meditation for the families of those lost in the floodwaters of Bucks Co. last weekend.  May our love be of some small comfort.

Meanwhile, Bonnie Mettler’s exhibit “Engine of Racism” will remain on display in the Red Barn through August 13.  The Red Barn will be open to the public every Sunday through the 13th from 1-3pm.  Please invite friends to experience this powerful art exhibit.

Join us Sunday in person or on Zoom at 10:30am.

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