Dear Pebble Community,

What a JOY it was to have such a big turnout last Sunday to see Tom Legere and hear his teachings.

It was great to see so many old friends of The School of Sacred Ministries, from advisors to students. A fond shout-out to Brian Weis for spreading the word.

Thank you all for showing Tom so much love and respect and for the stimulating questions and reflections.

At the very end of the day, John Evans asked Tom for an affirmation that might summarize his teachings on mysticism, and Tom promised to send one after some reflection.

Here is what he says works well for him:

“I hold a treasure within my earthen vessel, and so do all of God’s creatures.”

Use this however it works for you, and if you wish to experience Tom’s talk again it begins around minute 27 of the replay. As Alan noted previously, the replay works best on a computer vs. a phone.