Followed by Prayer Vigil
This Sunday, Pebble Hill is honored to host the Director and the Bridges to Peace Coordinator of The Peace Center, located in Langhorne, PA.
In a multimedia presentation, Danny Thomas and Margie Greenspan will share many of the good works sponsored by The Peace Center.
The Peace Center has been working for community peace and social justice since 1982. Its programs are designed to help reduce violence and conflict in our schools, homes and communities. TPC is dedicated to furthering peace by understanding and managing conflict in our community, our nation and our world.
It is impossible to speak of peace without acknowledging the current state of war in Israel and Gaza.
Sunday morning we will make special note of this unfolding tragedy, and we invite you to gather after celebration at 12:30pm for a prayer vigil in the Red Barn.
Join us in person or on Zoom at 10:30 Sunday morning.
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