This is a time of existing “in between”.
MAY 1 marks the festival of Beltane, with its roots in ancient Celtic and pagan observance of astronomical events such as the solstice and the equinox and the “cross quarter” times that fall midway between them.
This Sunday, we’ll celebrate Beltane, May Day, the “beginning of summer” in some traditions. We’ll talk about how the rituals of this “in between” time reflect aspects of Celtic spirituality, and experience prayer and song from this tradition.
What does it mean to be morally or mentally “in between”? Do we feel “balanced” in that space? Or uneasy because we’re “on the fence”? Are there some things we cannot be ambivalent about?
Let’s talk about this in our intimate small groups. Rev. Rosalind will lead.
AND SUNDAY AFTERNOON, the First Peoples interest group will meet. All are invited to stay for this update and discussion.
Join us at 10:30am in person or on Zoom.
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