Pebble Hill Church

Spiritual Offerings

Opportunities to dig deeper and grow

  1. The Pebble Hill community strives to encourage a broad range of offerings to support church members, friends, and visitors in nourishing their personal spiritual adventure. We encourage participation in our contemplative practices, discussion groups, music and sound circles, and dances.

We are open and welcoming to your ideas for possible community events and spiritual offerings, feel free to email our Office Administrator with any suggestions you may be inspired to create.

Peace Meditation


Start your Sunday Celebration day with a peaceful meditation. Join other Pebble people each Sunday morning at 9am for a quiet moment in the peaceful setting of our Yellow barn. This quiet time together includes silence and guided meditation led by a team of experienced contemplators.

Join us every Sunday morning in the Yellow Barn

Peace Soup Sunday

Peace Soup Sunday brings the community together to share a simple lunch after celebration on the second Sunday of each month. In the cool months, we convert the celebration space into a cafe, and in the summer we picnic and barbecue outside.

We ask a donation of $5 per person. If you bring a main dish i.e. a soup, salad or a dessert (enough for at least 8 people) or a beverage ( 2 gallons) the $5 charge will be waived.

Join us every second Sunday after celebration in the Lower Red Barn

Meditation Practice Group

Our simple mindfulness offering is a refreshing way to spend time with like-minded people who enjoy the relaxation and nourishment of sitting practice, simple movement, and exploring the nuances of our meditation practice.

The typical flow includes:

· 30 minutes of quiet sitting

· Some form of body movement/stretching

· Exploration of nuances in our practice

· Open sharing (possibly with a talking stick)

· Closing

As we grow and the practice is established, we’ll encourage others in the group to share in the privilege of facilitating the practice.

We meet every Tuesday evening in the Upper Yellow Barn at 6:15

“Came to Believe”

An AA 12-step program

This is a 12-Step AA Support Group. We meet weekly for support and fellowship.

Join us every Tuesday evening in the Lower Red Barn

“Freedom To Live”

An NA 12-step program

This is a 12-Step NA Support Group. We meet weekly for support and fellowship.

Join us every Wednesday evening in the Lower Red Barn

“Helping Hands”

An NA 12-step program

This is a 12-Step NA Support Group. We meet weekly for support and fellowship.

Join us every Saturday evening in the Lower Red Barn

Community Drum Circle

The Pebble Hill Community Drum Circle meets on the second Friday of every month in the Red Barn at 8:00 p.m. It is an improvisational drum circle. All hand drums, percussion instruments and experience levels are welcome. Dancing is encouraged!

The drum is for everyone, you don’t have to be a musician to participate.

Our facilitator, Caryn Cziriak, has been a musician most of her life. She has been drumming since 1997 and studying African drumming specifically since 1998. She has had classes and workshops with various teachers, including master drummers Mamady Keita, and Famoudou Konate from Guinea, West Africa.

Please click here  for more information.

Suggested donation is $10 per person.

Join us every second Friday evening in the Red Barn

New Hope Metaphysical Society

Founded in 1990, the New Hope Metaphysical society is an organization dedicated to “making this world a better place” by promoting spiritual ideals, universal laws and metaphysical principles to the community at large.

Located in central Bucks, PA, the NHMS offers social support and spiritual education through monthly meetings, guest speakers and special programs on a variety of“New Age” topics. These meetings are open to the public.

New Hope Metaphysical Society web site
Check out our monthly programs

Meetings are held on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 7:30 PM to 10:00 PM.

Join us every third Wednesday evening in the Red Barn

Night Sky Sangha

Get In Touch

We would love to hear from you.

Church Office


Church Address

320 Edison-Furlong Road
Doylestown, Pa. 18901

320 Edison-Furlong Road
Doylestown, Pa. 18901
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An inclusive community seeking Truth and Love

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An inclusive community seeking Truth and Love.

320 Edison-Furlong Road
Doylestown, Pa. 18901

Contact Us

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