Long time Pebble member Barry Bilger (and his S.O. Carla) joyously invite you to their farm up in Lake Ariel, Pa for their “Quiet Fourth” Celebration, July 3-8th. Bring a tent and a sleeping bag and toys and food to share! Bring your kayak, canoe or innertube and enjoy their pond.
Kids most welcome! The pond has a shallow end just for them!
They’ll be horseshoes, whiffle ball, hayrides on trails through the woods, and much, much more!
NO FIREWORKS! Remember, this is a QUIET FOURTH Celebration!
There are two acres set aside for camping near the Apple Orchard, complete with a firepit that seats ~50 folks and an extended outdoor “camp kitchen” for food preparation, built by Barry himself!
July 3rd through July 8th. Come for all of it, or just part.
1280 Easton Turnpike (Rt. 196)  22 miles North of Mr. Pocono Â
Lake Ariel, Pa. 18436
Barry warns that GPS is not accurate!
North on 611, bear left onto Rt 412 to Hellertown, through Hellertown, East on 78, North on 33 to end, West on 80 5 miles, exit 298 Scott Run, Left @ light, 611 N, ~ 7 mi, Mt Poconos, veer off to the right on top of hill on Rt. 196 N, 22 mi to driveway — sign that says Hamlin 19mi then 3 mi more on 196 — @ Hamlin straight through lights, then @ blinking light about 1 mi North of Hamlin, 196 veers off to Left, then 1.8 mi from Barry, mailbox is covered bridge, says 1280, on the Right.
Come one, come all!!