And the news is good! Our fiery heroine is feeling better every day. She is now up for phone calls; just be patient about her calling you back. As always, no surprise visitors please. She is really encouraged by the helpers and visitors so far, and appreciates every name and offer on the list. She will contact some people directly now for support too.

11/11/11 Gathering! Saturday Nov 11th, 11 am – 3 pm. What could be better on a fall day than helping Nancy AND mingling among the fall leaves by Lake Galena. Come offer “rakey” for her lawn and enjoy refreshments. RSVP to Barbara Atkinson for the head count for pizza. Please arrive between 11 am and 3 pm to help with leaves. Those who can linger may enjoy the sunset over the lake around 4 pm.  Rain date is Sunday Nov 12, after Peace Soup.

Note that Nancy will have a friend staying with her between Thurs Nov 8th and Tues Nov 13th, so her needs will be fewer then. And between Nov 16th and 18th she’ll be in the Poconos celebrating her birthday between (Sunday 18 being her b’day).

Blessings of Hallowe’en (yesterday)/All Saints Day (today)/Samhain – All Souls Day – Dia de los Muertos (tomorrow), Barbara