Give Modern Father’s Their Due!
June 17, 2018
Lead By Gary Shoenberg
Lead by Gary Schoenberg
Father’s Day, a day that may bring back fond childhood memories; or possibly difficult memories that we wish to heal. This Celebration will include sharings from several men in the Pebble Hill Community about their relationships with their fathers including both the shadow and gold aspects of their fathers and how those relationships have impacted upon them being men today.
Some of the dynamics of these relationships have had their rewards and also their challenges including striving to be the kind of man or father who nurtures and supports others, whether raising children or not, a single parent, divorced, co-parenting, traditional/non-traditional relationships, etc. Clearly the range of possibilities has expanded as we explore new paradigms. What does it mean to be a father or a man today? What impact has our father or lack of fathering had upon us today? What does it mean to be good enough? How do we connect to the deeper part of us that yearns to be whole and healed of our childhood wounds and also yet connected to the golden child within and embraced in a safe and loving way? How does one stay in one’s power and yet be open, vulnerable, and generous in relationship with others and fulfill the tasks of the mythological “Hero’s Journey”?
The men who will share include Norm Danis, David Cook, and Gary Schoenberg who will lead the Celebration. Singer/Songwriter, Deva Troy will sing an original song she wrote about her own father. Rituals will be used to invoke a container by calling in the directions, drumming, and the use of sage to create sacred space along with meditations, guided imagery, songs and chants!
Bring pictures and any memorabilia that you wish to place on the alter about fathering in whatever way is meaningful to you.
Presented By:
Gary Shoenberg
David Cook
Norm Danis