Celebrating Advent and Hanukkah
December 2, 2018
Featured Speaker
Larry Hall, Deva Troy and Gary Schoenberg
Lead By
The Celebration Team

About Our Celebration
The Jewish holiday of Hanukkah and the Christian observance of Advent both begin on Dec. 2 this year, and Pebble will kick off the holidays by lighting the menorah and the advent wreath. Deva Troy and Gary Schoenberg will lead. The two holidays share the symbolism of light and a cross-religion connection in a Biblical mention of Jesus being at the temple in Jerusalem during Hanukkah (referred to as the Festival of Dedication.)
Hanukkah, called the festival of lights, lasts eight days and commemorates two events: the victory of the Maccabees over the Syrian Greek army in the second century BCE and a miracle in which a lamp with only enough sanctified oil for one day burns for eight, providing time for more to arrive and keep the sacred flame burning. This occurred during the temple dedication after the ouster of the Greeks.
Christian Advent, which includes the last four Sundays before Christmas, is a period of spiritual preparation for the birthday of Jesus, who called himself the light of the world and said, “Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”