New Year’s Celebration with Burning of the Greens!

December 29th, 2019

Featured Speaker

Rev Deva Troy

Lead By

The Celebration Team

About Our Celebration

Gathered around the fireplace we will review 2019, looking at our greatest lesson of the year, release our losses of beloveds, through a ”Wiping Away of the Tears” ritual, do a meditation to let go of whatever we need to intentionally release, to be free and clear to welcome in 2020. We will bring forth our personal vision to plant seeds this winter and release our prayers into the ceremonial “burning of the greens!”  Come join us in community to pave the way for a powerful, healing, healthy and happy beginning to this new decade!
This Celebration will be lead by Rev. Deva Troy, Pebbles Music Minister, a Celebration Team Minister and an ordained Interfaith Minister from the New Seminary, who has been a Native American Sacred Piper Carrier through Sun Bear’s auspices for the past 35 years, is a founder of the Peaceweavers and is a singer/ songwriter who writes songs that take a stand for people, the planet and peace.