High Holy Day Renewal Celebration – Rosh Hashanah
Presented by Gary Schoenberg, Rev. Deva Troy, and featuring Janet Berkowitz

Gary Schoenberg and Rev. Deva Troy will be our co-presenters with guest appearance of Janet Berkowitz for this Sunday’s High Holiday Renewal Celebration where we will offer a taste of the experience of the Jewish High Holy Day Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, with an interfaith flair. Rosh Hashanah, meaning “first of the year,” begins on the new moon on the first day of Tishrei, the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar, which falls on the evening of September 15th.
This Celebration will include rituals, chants, meditations, guided visualization, movement, apples and honey, and reflection on what we wish to let go of and release, as we create our ideal future selves! You are invited to join us for this journey and experience as we dip our bodies and souls deep into this Celebration!
Gary will set the tone as we begin this journey and prepare to set our intentions.
Rev. Deva Troy will lead us in songs and chants and a guided visualization including her own original song, “Happy New Year”.
Janet Berkowitz will lead us in dance and movement, “filling up and spilling over”.
Come join and share and be part of the Celebration!
Join us in person or on Zoom at 10:30 am.
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