Dear Pebble Folks interested in Arrows,

Please join us on Tuesday April 12th, 7 pm, for an update meeting on Zoom. (First Peoples are the people whose lived in North America before Europeans arrived, sometimes called Native Americans.)

And save the date for our Festival on Saturday, June 11th from noon to 4 pm!

Blessings, Barbara Atkinson

Arrows 4 American Indians 501(c)(3)

Protecting, Preserving, Promoting, and Providing for First Peoples in the U.S.

Please join us for an update on Arrows’ activities and plans!


on Tuesday April 12th at 7:00 pm on Zoom.


We will be discussing the upcoming First Peoples Festival, Saturday June 11th, and big and small ways you can help Arrows serve, promote, and educate about First People’s concerns.


Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 814 7294 3987
Passcode: 381121

If you have any questions, please contact Cynthia Greb at or