Pebble Hill Church exhibits “Gwyn Michael Art Retrospective: Her Life & Art” through the Month of October
An exhibition highlighting the rich legacy of Gwyn Michael’s career commemorating the 10th anniversary of her death from breast cancer. Sales from the collection will benefit the Pebble Hill Interfaith Church. The show will be on exhibit through the end of October in the sanctuary space. The public is welcome to view the show any Sunday from noon until 1 p.m. following Pebble Hill’s weekly celebration.
Click below to view the article on Gwyn’s Art Exhibition in the Bucks County Herald:
Herald Article on the Art Exhibition
Below are instructions for art purchases:
All art pieces are “AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE UNLESS THERE IS RED DOT ON IT, INDICATING IT IS SOLD”. This includes prints in the main gallery, hallway, drawings inside portfolios, etc. (You can make an appointment to see the books and portfolios or wait until the next “opening” in October.) *
Guidelines/suggested minimum prices:
- Small matted prints, small drawings $ 15
- Framed prints depending on size $ 30-$80
- Handmade books $ 20
- Signed prints of The Immigrants, by Lillian Michael $ 20**
- Larger handmade book/work with male/female theme $ 40
- Paintings and larger pieces $ 80
- Large lightbox/CT scan pieces $ 250
* If interested in viewing art pieces inside the art books and portfolios, contact Cynthia Greb at
**The signed prints by Lillian Michael are worth much more than $20, but we have many of them.
Instructions on how to purchase art pieces:
- If you see a piece you like with no (red) dot on it, you may place a red dot (available on the entranceway table) in the bottom corner of the painting and write your initials on the dot.
- Please notify Cindy Greb of your intention to buy, preferably by email ( or by text to (530)-771-7565. Attach a photo of the art piece(s).
- There are three ways you can pay: a) Go to the Donate button on Pebble Hill’s website ( Please add a comment that it is for art from Gwyn’s show. Please note: there are fees associated with this button. Feel free to add a bit extra to cover the cost of the fee; b) Use our treasurer’s Venmo account, which has no fees associated with it: Alan Dench@Alan-Dench. c) Give cash, or check made out to Pebble Hill Church, to Alan Dench or Cindy Greb. (Or, in their absence, Gary Schoenberg or Rosalind Cauffman.)
- PLEASE NOTE: We ask that any artwork in the main room of the Red Barn remain for the duration of the show. It can be picked up and taken home after the celebration on October 29th.
If you have any questions, please email Cindy Greb at
Thank you for your generosity and your interest in the art of Gwyn Michael and for your support of Pebble Hill Church.
Hi Everyone! I hope you all get a chance to read this, fellow Pebble Folk. It’s Gary Culp, wanting to thank all of you for our wonderful re-visit to our old spiritual grounds. Thank you for making it possible with your generous sharing and for your ongoing support as you keep Pebble so Alive!! Jennifer and I loved our camp week and our time in PA surrounding our visit. The Sundays at Pebble were so beautiful, Talking about “Time” and then the beautiful Peace Award Sunday and Bonnie’s superb and informative gallery. Sorry to be missing Gawn’s show presently on our hallowed walls. Also, I’m sorry I couldn’t find and dig up the 22 year old “Time Capsule”! When I arrived after camp to fill in that big hole I dug, it had been miraculously filled in. I’m so grateful to some angel for saving me the energy! So much love over the miles. Carry on! See you again. – gar