Hello, everyone! To those who purchased art by Gwyn (or Lillian) Michael, THANK YOU so much for supporting Pebble! Thank you, too, for being willing to leave your art up on the walls until the show is over. You may pick up your art on Nov. 5, after celebration. I also want to extend heartfelt thanks to those who helped with the show: Rosalind C., Jeff M., Gary S., Sarahlynn, and Larry H. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Also, please know that there are notebooks, homemade books, and portfolios of Gwyn’s that we were not able to keep on display after the opening, as well as a large box of professional prints of Lillian’s “The Immigrants.” These will all need a home! I literally do not have a place for them, and I don’t want to throw them out. And Steve (Gwyn’s husband/widower) is not able to hold onto them anymore. If you want to buy any of it, or if you would be willing to hold onto any of it, give it away, or even sell it, that would be so very helpful and appreciated!

For the next show, for the upcoming holiday season, we thought we’d do a group show of Angels and Holy Beings. So, if any of you have paintings of Angels or Deities, Ascended Masters or Beings of Light, please feel free to send me pictures on your phone. (They don’t have to be originals.) My number is 530-771-7565. Also, if you know any artists who might have a piece to contribute, please either ask them for me or give me their contact info. We can also broaden the scope of the show to include fairies, shamans, etc.

On a personal note, after I suggested the idea for this show and got approval, I was unexpectedly offered an extensive temp job. This was a blessing, financially, but it has been time-consuming, and many of my own projects got put on the back burner, including this one. I very much need help with this show. If any of you feel inspired to assist, I would be so grateful.

Many thanks, dear Pebble.
Cindy Greb