We’re so excited for this Sunday celebration and
afternoon workshop with Ramananda John
John will speak and lead us in meditation on the
theme of Honoring the Seasons of Our Lives.
The afternoon workshop will begin at 1pm and is free
to everyone. It will last until 3pm, with a pause at
2:30 for those who wish to leave early to attend the
march against gun violence in Doylestown.
We’ll have a salad bar lunch and Thanksgiving pies
before the workshop. Please consider bringing
something YOU LOVE for the salad bar. Bring it in a
bowl ready to place on the table. Leave it in the car
until after celebration.
Or bring a pie! Or both!
Yum, yum, what a great day this will be!
For folks not yet familiar with John Welshons, check
him out online. His books include “Awakening From
Grief,” “When Prayers Aren’t Answered,” and “One
Soul, One Love, One Heart”.
Join us at 10:30am in the Red Barn or on Zoom, or if
you cannot attend in the morning join us for the
workshop.Join Zoom meeting


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