This year, both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve fall on Sunday.  Our Christmas Eve celebration will be at 10:30am in the Red Barn, so that we can all settle in for a long winter’s nap when evening comes and wait for Santa!

 The highlight of our Christmas Celebration will no doubt be the music, with Rafael on piano and Lutz on violin.  We’ll sing lots of carols, be guided through a magical Christmas meditation, listen to scripture and hear a retelling of “The Gift of the Magi”.  


This is the 4th and final Sunday of Advent . . . and we’ll light the Candle of LOVE!

 Plan to linger afterwards for Christmas treats, hot chocolate and sherry.

 Please join us in person or on Zoom at 10:30am.

Meeting ID: 858 8679 2229

Passcode: &ZuE3J

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