The Film Screening of Angels and Saints:Eros and Awe scheduled for January 27th has been Postponed!

Sex. Gender. Religion. Why are they so hard to talk about? What do they have in common?

A multi-award-winning documentary called Angels and Saints-Eros and Awe has some of those answers. LifeDream Films and The Welcome Project PA have partnered to bring you this new documentary film that explores the relationship between sex and spirituality in the quest for wholeness.

Those who shared their perspective in the film on the topic of eros and spirituality include leading clergy, sex educators and therapists, and workshop leaders all around the gender and sexuality matrix. Each of these “messengers of wholeness” brings to the screen their heartfelt and sometimes hard-earned wisdom. That is why we call them our “Angels and Saints.” The film has met with rave reviews as it has been screened at various faith communities, professional conferences, seminaries and for the general public.

This is what some participants at the Conference for Contemporary Relationships in Austin, Texas in 2022 had to say after viewing Angels and Saints-Eros and Awe.

“Where was this film when I was 14?’  “This film will save lives.”

Join us at The Welcome Project PA 350 S York Rd, Hatboro, PA for an evening of entertainment and education, live music and refreshments on Saturday , January 27th, 2024, from 6:30-9:00 PM.

6:30 PM Doors Open/Live Music with Rodney Whittenberg
7:00 PM Program Begins (57 min)
8:00 PM Panel Q&A Discussion with the filmmakers and team

The Welcome Project offers LGBTQIA+ Programs, Mental Health Services, Interfaith Cooperation, and Immigration Justice services. 

LifeDream Films incorporates the talent and heart felt expression of filmmakers Vic Compher and Rodney Whittenberg.

Click here to learn how to purchase tickets.