Deb Vieytes has shared that her mother passed in the late evening, Thurdsay, January 18. The whole Pebble community will remember Linda fondly and hold her always in our hearts. A Celebration of Life will be planned for springtime, after the winter weather has passed.
 In the meantime, we’ll honor Linda at this Sunday’s celebration.
 In peace and with great love to the Vieytes family,
 Rev. Rosalind
I just stumbled upon this message tonight. I can’t say how sorry I am for her loss – We were a part of her life when Deb was young and her vitality was always so contageous. Sometimes she came to church right after an night of nursing and didn’t ever want to miss a celebration. Her friend Jack was often right there as well. That was years ago. Then she sort of disappeared. Voila! There she was again! And Jen and I were always so pleased to see her back at Pebble and Deb so often there at her side. I don’t know any of the circumstances, but I feel the loss of a really caring, sweet, loving person. Rest in peacefulness, friend Linda! Always.