Join the community this Sunday as we learn about a project started 15 years ago by the journalist and former NPR host Michele Norris. Early in the Obama administration, Norris began leaving postcards all around the country in public places. These cards said simply, “Race. Your Thoughts. 6 Words. Please Send.”
She received half a million responses!
These have been compiled and further illuminated in a new book entitled “Our Hidden Conversations”.
On Sunday, Bill and Bonnie Mettler will join Rosalind in sharing their insights and leading a community conversation about this project.
In the meantime, think what six words express your own sense of race and racism.
Listen to several revelatory revealing responses
Create Your Own Six Word Contribution
Discover the Path for America’s Equity
Below is a page from the book itself.Join us Sunday at 10:30am in the Red Barn or on Zoom.
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