This Sunday at Pebble, author and artist, Robin Reichert, will relate the story of a frightening diagnosis and how interaction with one red-tailed hawk gave her courage and strength. She further demonstrates how intimate relationships with our creature friends may connect us with our own innate personal power. She leaves listeners to ponder the importance of nature in keeping us grounded when difficult circumstances arise.
Robin is a writer, speaker, storyteller, artist, poet, yoga practitioner, and workshop facilitator for thirty plus years. She uses her professional storytelling skills and experience as a lay minister to deliver inspirational presentations. Her specialties include creating a peaceful world, interconnectedness, personal growth, interpersonal relationship, and Earth advocacy.
One of Robin’s paintings currently graces the wall as you enter the Red Barn, as part of the exhibit “Images of the Divine”.
Join us in person or on Zoom at 10:30am.
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