Free computer desk with drawers

This ample desk with pull-out computer shelf, 2 drawers, and cabinet was perfect for my office, which is now Loreal’s bedroom. About 6 ft wide, 3 ft high, and 2 ft deep. Brown wood veneer, minor flaws. If interested, contact me for photos. Desk is disassembled...

Bag left in church 3 Sundays ago

Hello Folks, Three Sundays ago the kind Barb Weikamp brought me a bag with a cassette recorder and cassette; this was a loan. In the hubbub after Celebration I forgot to bring it home. I think it was sitting on tbe floor by the small entrance table. The following...

Advice on TV options

Pebble may not have electricity, but we are still powerful! Shout out to activists of all types having a rest day today.😊 I’m about to make a decision on cable TV vs. streaming options. If you have knowledge of this topic, including equipment capability, and are...