Ginny Hall’s Memorial Service Attendance

Chris Englehart, our long-time Pebble member who founded and led First Friday Art for years, and, indeed, who first brought Rev. Gary Culp to Pebble as our possible minister, would dearly love to attend Ginny Hall’s Saturday memorial service.  She lives in...

The Art of Doing Difficult Things

When I was young I was a total martial arts fanatic. I would train up to 8 classes a week, usually taking back to back classes each night. I got so much satisfaction from training hard, I couldn’t get enough. But about 2 years into my training I started to cut...

Your Greatest Year Ever!

Ready to make 2019 the greatest year of your life?! I know I am. In this talk we reboot traditional new year’s resolutions that we all break anyway, and replace them with a reboot to our best selves. Get ready to welcome YOU 2.0, the best version of you Ever! This...

Your Greatest Year Ever!

Your Greatest Year Ever! January 6, 2018 Featured Speaker David Cook Lead By The Celebration Team About Our Celebration Ready to make 2019 the greatest year of your life?! I know I am. In this talk we reboot traditional new year’s resolutions that we all break...