I Won’t Stand By!

Bill Mettler shared this with us at Celebration and we wanted to share it to the announcement list. I Won’t Stand By! If I witness harassment, I can: DISTRACT (De-escalate with an indirect approach) DELEGATE (Get someone else involved) DIRECT (Clearly state...

Replay of September 24th Celebration

Click on the link below to see a replay: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/ZvtligUBaVFDZzRfgBw840pa8gc8UxAMSdt0Y3uYD6aUU5_Ky8PRDBD5pcYYMVbA.vbMi3N7oyY3D6IpN Do not view on a phone, it does not play well unless you use a laptop or desktop or ipad device.  Replays are...