10:30 AM Sunday Celebration – Katye Anna
PH Church Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesPresentation Title: Katye Anna - Psychic and the Teacher of Soul Presented By: Katye Anna
1:30 PM Katye Anna
In the Red Barn
10:30 AM Sunday Celebration – Abundance Vs. Prosperity
PH Church Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesPresentation Title: Abundance Vs. Prosperity; Finding A Balance Presented By: Rev. Jeanne Elodie
10:30 AM Sunday Celebration – Peace Sunday
PH Church Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesPresentation Title: Peace Sunday Presented By: Larry Hall
12-step: “Freedom to Live” NA URB
PHC Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesUpper Red Barn: This is an NA 12-step support group.
9:00 AM Peace Meditation
Pebble Hill Church Yellow Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesYellow Barn: Start your Sunday Celebration day with a peaceful meditation. Join other Pebble people each Sunday morning at 9am for a quiet moment in the peaceful setting of our Yellow barn.
10:30 AM Sunday Celebration – Gary Culp
PH Church Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesPresentation Title: Gary Culp Returns Presented By: Gary Culp
1:00 PM Home Camp – Jules Pizza
Pebble Home Camp - Pizza lunch at Jules Pizza in Doylestown. Meet us after church at Jules. See a full schedule of Pebble Home Camp events
7:00 PM A Course in Miracles
PHC Lower Red BarnLower Red Barn: Please join us Sunday nights for a study in A Course in  Miracles.