2:00 PM Emotions in Motion
PHC Lower Red BarnLower Red Barn
7:00 PM A Course in Miracles
PHC Lower Red BarnLower Red Barn: Please join us on Sunday nights for a study in A Course in  Miracles.
7:00 PM Prosperity Plus Program
PHC Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesUpper Red Barn
9:00 AM School of Sacred Ministries – Class
PHC Lower Red BarnLower Red Barn
Peace Meditation
PHC Upper Yellow Barn PA, United StatesUpper Yellow Barn: Start your Sunday Celebration day with a peaceful meditation. Join other Pebble people each Sunday morning at 9am for a quiet moment in the peaceful setting of inside the Yellow Barn.
10:30 AM Sunday Celebration – Celebration on Forgiveness
PH Church Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesPresentation Title: Celebration on Forgiveness Presented By: Barbara Atkinson
12:30 Art Reception – Listening with the Heart
PHC Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesUpper Red Barn Artists Jeanne Elodie & Lyndy Abbott "Listening with the Heart" Exhibit - From January 20 through February 24, 2019
7:00 PM A Course in Miracles
PHC Lower Red BarnLower Red Barn: Please join us Sunday nights for a study in A Course in  Miracles.
7:00 PM Meditation Practice Group YB
Pebble Hill Church Yellow Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesYellow Barn: Come join this weekly meditation group.
12-step: “Freedom to Live” NA URB
PHC Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesUpper Red Barn: This is an NA 12-step support group.