6 to 8 pm – Break Free Shamanic and Intergalatic Healing Ceremony! URB
PH Church Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesDetails Break Free Shamanic and Intergalactic Healing Ceremony! Power of Ancestors. Strength of the Elementals. Wisdom of the Masters. Earthly and Shamanic Rites united with New Age Arcturian and intergalactic Healing Transmissions. Ascend Your Vibration. Relax, Release, Rejuvenate, Heal! The Being One Center Entities have called upon us to E L E V A T […]
6 to 8 pm – Into The Depths Shamanic Journey (Getting To Know Your Guides) URB
PH Church Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesDetails Far off in the distance, a steady hypnotic dream beat plays. Bum Bum, Bum Bum. Close your eyes and feel it. Bum Bum, Bum Bum. As you listen, it comes closer. You feel it pounding in your chest—slow, rhythmic, timeless. Bum Bum, Bum Bum. Traversing the ages handed down from the ancestors, we carry […]
7 to 9 pm – Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED
PH Church Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesThis course will prepare you to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children and infants and meets OSHA/workplace requirements. This is a blended learning course including an online portion and an instructor-led classroom skill session. The online portion must be completed prior to attending the in-class […]
12 to 4 pm – West Wedding
PH Church Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United States7:00 PM Council Meeting on Zoom
Virtual and in Celebration Space Online, PA, United States12-step: “Freedom to Live” NA URB
PHC Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesUpper Red Barn: This is an NA 12-step support group.
9:00 AM Peace Meditation
Pebble Hill Church Yellow Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesYellow Barn: Start your Sunday Celebration day with a peaceful meditation. Join other Pebble people each Sunday morning at 9am for a quiet moment in the peaceful setting of our Yellow barn.
Via Zoom , see announcements – 10:30 AM Sunday Celebration
Virtual and in Celebration Space Online, PA, United StatesZoom meeting which can now be viewed in the Celebration space by up to 25 people. See announcements for specifics. Please join Celebration from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/456430893 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (646) 749-3122 Access Code: 456-430-893