7:00 PM A Course in Miracles
PHC Lower Red BarnLower Red Barn: Please join us Sunday nights for a study in A Course in Miracles.
7:00 PM Online Council Meeting
Virtual and in Celebration Space Online, PA, United StatesVirtually via GoToMeeting
12:00 PM – 3:00 PM SEVA Day
PHC Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesClean up Day
Postponed to a later date – 1:00-4:30PM Spirit Mediumship Gallery & Intuition Development Workshop-URB
PH Church Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesUpper Red Barn Spirit Mediumship Gallery & Intuition Development Workshop Presented by Rich Braconi and Yanni Maniates $60 per Ticket - Includes Light Refreshment Purchase tickets in advance to guarantee availability $60.00—light refreshments included
Election – General Primary 6:00 AM – 8:00 PM
PHC Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesCounty of Bucks Board of Elections
Canceled until further notice – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM Play Rehearsal – Janet Berkowitz URB
PHC Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesUpper Red Barn - Play Rehearsal - Janet Berkowitz
7 am to 8 pm – Pennsylvania Primary Day
PH Church Upper Red Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesThe polls are open from 7 am to 8 pm. Please consider voting by mail by going to this website as soon as possible but no later than May 25 - https://www.pavoterservices.pa.gov/OnlineAbsenteeApplication
Canceled – 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM Dance Workshop YB
Pebble Hill Church Yellow Barn 320 Edison-Furlong Road, Doylestown, PA, United StatesYellow Barn