Week of Events
7 to 9 pm – Spiritism: The Science and Philosophy Behind MESA BLANCA (Introductory Talk)
7 to 9 pm – Spiritism: The Science and Philosophy Behind MESA BLANCA (Introductory Talk)
Details In this Introductory talk, Ileana reveals some of the fundamental concepts of Spiritism as taught by Alan Kardec, as well as the Power and Significance of MESA BLANCA: The White Table Healing Experience that will be covered in our 9 Week Spiritism 101 Course. What is Spiritism? Spiritism is a Science and a Philosophy […]
9:00 AM Peace Meditation
9:00 AM Peace Meditation
Yellow Barn: Start your Sunday Celebration day with a peaceful meditation. Join other Pebble people each Sunday morning at 9am for a quiet moment in the peaceful setting of our Yellow barn.
Via Zoom , see announcements – 10:30 AM Sunday Celebration
Via Zoom , see announcements – 10:30 AM Sunday Celebration
Zoom meeting which can now be viewed in the Celebration space by up to 25 people. See announcements for specifics. Please join Celebration from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/456430893 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (646) 749-3122 Access Code: 456-430-893